Our Church.

We understand that what we believe as a church greatly impacts all we do in our services, our ministries, our events and most importantly in our lives. If you have any questions after reading, please feel free to contact us.

We’re Part of the Foursquare Church Denomination

Foursquare is the name of the Christian denomination we’re submitted to for leadership and covering. The name comes from the four-part ministry of Jesus Christ as Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King. According to God's gifting and calling, we intentionally prepare and release men and women across generations into all positions of leadership and areas of ministry. We are charismatic in our beliefs, which means we joyfully celebrate the undeserved favor given to us from God through the cross of His Son, Jesus.

The Bible Translation We Read

Have you ever heard or read the Bible and thought to yourself, “what in the world are they trying to say?” As with any translation, attempting to communicate the richness of God’s Word into another language has its limitations and imperfections. The Bible we read aloud in service is the New Living Translation (NLT). Our hope is that using this version will help overcome some of the barriers of history, culture, and language that have kept people from reading and understanding God’s Word. Our prayer is that if you’re unfamiliar with the Bible you’ll find the words clear and easy to understand, while those well-versed in the Scriptures will gain a fresh perspective.  Check out a sample of the NLT here.

The Next Generation Is Pretty Important Around Here

We believe it’s a parent’s job to raise their children, but we also believe that as a church, it’s our job to come alongside parents and help. Each week we teach age-appropriate lessons that are both relevant and applicable to the age group being taught.

We recognize that our teens are pressured on all sides to compromise their beliefs. We desire to be a refuge for them as they walk out their faith. They connect weekly in a small group setting with a dedicated adult leader and others going through the same life stages.

Celebrating Through Song

It is our job to worship our Father God, in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23) One of the ways we do that as a congregation is through song. We sing songs that tell God how much we love Him. We sing songs that remind us of how thankful we are. We sing songs that proclaim the truth of God’s Word in our lives.

Some think we do things “backwards” around here because we sing our songs after the message, which traditionally is done before the message. We do this because our belief is that we need to align ourselves first to the truth of God’s Word. Then, we can worship Him in spirit and truth.

